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Added a contact form

September 9th, 2010

I often get comments posted here regarding registration issues or general questions about Courseplanner itself. This is not really the proper place for them, so I have to delete them.

To that end I have created a new contact page where users can email me directly. I haven’t added any security checks yet, (because, truth be told, CAPTCHA can be a bit of a pain to use sometimes).

Note that the forum is still by far the preferred place to get help, because that way the reply can be used by everybody.

  1. admin
    September 9th, 2010 at 12:56 | #1

    BTW one of the most common issue, is emails sent to AT&T emails address, (@att.net), that seem to get randomly deleted by their overzealous filter.

    I have tried to contact them to ask them how we can resolve the issue, but they simply never reply.
    So if you have an *@att.net email address and are having a problem contacting us, (or are waiting for an email from us), please send us an alternate email address where we can contact you.
    Of course, you can contact AT&T directly and ask them why on earth they feel the need to randomly delete emails coming from our servers, (but I would be amazed if they bother replying to you).

  2. Eduardo Fontal
    October 9th, 2010 at 13:10 | #2

    Thank you very much for your wonderful work, I would love to correspond with you.
    It has a manual in Spanish?
    E. Fontal – Cadiz – Spain
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    • admin
      October 10th, 2010 at 07:52 | #3


      You can use the forum if you have any questions.

      Sorry I don’t have a manual in Spanish.


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