
Posts Tagged ‘release’

Released piger 0.3.2

February 27th, 2016 Comments off

I released the first version of Piger on Github after moving from

This new release is pretty much the same as the previous one just brought to the 21st century …

The changes are

  1. Python 3.5.1
  2. Python is not required on the host machine, (something that was causing a break before!)
  3. Lua 5.2
  4. x64 or x86 build, (not for memory reasons, but for env. variable reasons).
  5. Moved from, (I added a to redirect to github). Please Google for some well documented reasons to move away from them…

Please try it and tell me if you see something cool that should be added.

I am also looking for cool scripts to be added to my list, so please, send them my way!

Categories: Myoddweb Piger Tags: , , ,

New release of Courseplanner, still lots of work to do.

March 16th, 2009 8 comments

Yesterday I released a new version of Courseplanner, so far the response seems to be positive, but it is still early days.

I still need to make a few changes, especially the map, it is obviously a bigger eyesore than I expected,  so I will need to look into it as soon as possible.
As I want to keep Courseplanner as ‘stand-alone’ as possible, (because of future support for X-Plane), I need to think of a simple way to display the map as ‘clearly’ as possible without depending on X-Plane or Flight Simulator.

I think that importing sectional maps might be a good idea, so if people want a ‘high definition’ map of a certain area then they will need to download it from various sites. I might make it flexible enough to upload to this site as well, (so others can download it).

I also want to add support for X-Plane, I am sure it won’t hurt to have more input from such a large comunity.

As alway I am looking for any suggestions/bug reports, anything to improve Courseplanner. So feel free to visit the forum and throw in your suggestions.