
Posts Tagged ‘NUnit’

How to unit test a config file, (ConfigurationSection)

June 17th, 2018 Comments off

To unit test a ConfigurationSection in c# you need to do a couple of thing in your unit test
Of course, we do not want to change anything in the assembly being tested.

  • Create your own ConfigurationSection class
  • ‘Fake’ your own configuration file.
  • Test that you have the expected behaviour
    • For required values
    • Optional values

In your test application, create your own configuration loader class
It uses your configuration section as a template.

Of course we also need to clean up things a little.
The file we created needs to be removed, you could also have this in your test teardown.

Creating the fake test file.

Now testing the config is fairly straight forward, (using NUnit in this case)

(using the sample config content, my parser does not escape it properl)

<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<section name=""blah"" type=""BlahConfiguration,MyApp.Blah"" />

So now you can create your tests and just pass the values you want to test, default values for example, that values are loaded properly and so on.

Migrating from MSTest to NUnit

March 28th, 2018 Comments off

I am using VS2015 and VS2017 and I needed to migrate from Microsoft Unit tests to NUnit.

Those are the steps are followed.

  • In VS2015/2017 Select the “Package manager console” tab
    Select the correct project, (drop down combo), and type

  • Or using Nuget manager
    • Select the correct project.
    • Select NUnit, (just the plain ‘NUnit’ for now).
  • In your test project, look for “using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
    Replace with “using NUnit.Framework;“, (of course you will now have a whole bunch of errors.)
  • Look and replace
    • [TestClass] replace with [TestFixture]
    • [TestMethod] replace with [Test]
    • Remove code that looks like “[ExpectedException(typeof(xyz), “some text”)]” and surround the actual code that is expected to throw

NB: Note you might need to change a couple of other values

  • [TestInitialize] to [SetUp]
  • [TestCleanup] to [TearDown]
  • [TestClassInitialize] to [TestFixtureSetUp]
  • [TestClassCleanup] to [TestFixtureTearDown]

And a few other functions will need to change as well but for the most part they start with Assert.... and are fairly close(tm) to the Microsoft counterparts.